Organisation Culture

Do you want to enhance and align your Organisational Culture?

We can assist to foster a culture that enables engagement, boosts performance, prioritise customer needs, and expands market share.

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Leadership Development Journeys

Are your leaders enabled to lead in the modern world?

We help to equip organisational leaders with the necessary skills required to navigate the intricacies of an ever-changing world.

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Teams & Team Health

Do you need to optimise your team’s performance and potential?

Let us help you develop a cohesive, high-performing team that thrives through effective co-creation, collaboration, communication and conflict management.

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Change Management
Capacity Building

Are you being held back by failed or delayed change projects?

We have the skills, framework and tools to develop effective internal change management capability and capacity within your organisation.

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Organisation Culture

We can assist to foster a culture that enables engagement, boosts performance, prioritise customer needs, and expands your market share.

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Leadership Development

We help to equip organisational leaders with the necessary skills required to navigate the intricacies of an ever-changing world.

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Let us help you develop a cohesive, high-performing team that thrives through effective collaboration, communication and conflict management.

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Change Management

We have the skills, framework and tools to develop effective internal change management capability and capacity within your organisation.

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Organisation Culture Transformation

Do you need to enhance and align your Organisational Culture?

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Leadership Development journeys

Are your leaders enabled to lead in the modern world?

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High-Performing Teams and Team Health

Do you need to optimise your team’s performance and potential?

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Change Management Capacity Building

Are you being held back by failed or delayed change projects?

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Thrive in an Ever-Changing World

What is Change Verve?

Change verve is a term used to describe the energy and enthusiasm that an individual or organisation brings to the process of making changes. It is characterised by a positive attitude towards change, a willingness to take risks and try new things, and a sense of determination to make the change happen.  Change verve is often seen as a key ingredient in the success of any change initiative, as it can help to overcome resistance and create momentum for sustainable change.

Why ChangeVerve?

At ChangeVerve (Pty) Ltd we believe that everyone can thrive in an ever-changing world. Human beings are complex, but resilient beings that are designed to change. Equipped with the right skills and tools we can create amazing results, innovations, products, and experiences.

People come together in organisations to create, grow, achieve, express, and live up to their potential. An organisation’s success and growth are directly dependent on the health and effectiveness of the people employed in the organisation and the culture that enables it. This is only possible when organisations enable high-performing participation not only through technical training, but also by developing change management and human behavioural skills.

We have 25 years of experience in large-scale change management, culture transformation, human behavioural science, neuro-science, and leadership skills development with world-renowned assessments, tools and interactive processes.

What is Change Verve?

Change verve is a term used to describe the energy and enthusiasm that an individual or organisation brings to the process of making changes. It is characterised by a positive attitude towards change, a willingness to take risks and try new things, and a sense of determination to make the change happen.  Change verve is often seen as a key ingredient in the success of any change initiatives, as it can help to overcome resistance and create momentum for sustainable change.

Why ChangeVerve?

At ChangeVerve (Pty) Ltd we believe that everyone can thrive in an ever-changing world. Human beings are complex, but resilient beings that are designed to change. Equipped with the right skills and tools we can create amazing results, innovations, products, and experiences.

People come together in organisations to create, grow, achieve, express, and live up to their potential. An organisation’s success and growth are directly dependent on the health and effectiveness of the people employed in the organisation and the culture that enables it. This is only possible when organisations enable high-performing participation not only through technical training, but also by developing change management and human behavioural skills.

We have 25 years of experience in large-scale change management, culture transformation, human behavioural science, neuro-science, and leadership skills development with world-renowned assessments, tools and interactive processes.

What makes us different?


We recognise that organisational culture and change management competency building is a journey and that there is no silver bullet to success.

At ChangeVerve we integrate the various elements and complexity of human development into bespoke solutions that address the unique needs of each of our clients. We understand that the success and sustainability of an organisation depends on the efforts of employees and therefore focus on developing internal skills and capacity. We have a tried and tested approach to support organisations in becoming truly change agile and equipping them to participate in, and lead future change successfully while sustaining an agile and high-performance culture.

Sustainable impact of interventions require immediate assimilation of learning and application of newly learned skills. To facilitate this, our interventions are interactive with a “heads-on, hands-on” experiential approach that enables immediate practice and application.

Furthermore, our offerings are based on extensive research and collaboration with world-renowned partners to offer several cutting-edge organisational development tools and skills development programmes.

With the right skills and tools, people and organisations can indeed Thrive in an Ever-Changing World!

Services and Solutions

The online ChangeVerve Change Management Game! 

Discover the complexity of corporate change through an interactive online game. Journey through the various stages of change and explore your understanding of the importance and dynamics between different stakeholders, corporate events, change management requirements and change impacts.


Coming Soon

Topics and Resources
June 22, 2023

Spiral Dynamics

Spiral Dynamics views human development through the lens of values, belief systems, and worldviews.
May 17, 2023

The Enneagram of Personalities:

The Enneagram is a tool used for personal and team growth and understanding dynamics in relationships.
May 17, 2023

The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve

The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve is an important idea for understanding how memory works.
May 17, 2023

Heads-On, Hands-On Learning:

Ongoing professional development has become a critical success factor for individuals to stay ahead of the curve.